Today, we hear from Jennifer S. Brown and Randy Susan Meyers about how they’ve supported each other’s writing careers, the work they do both locally and nationally to help others, and how staying true to your characters is the best policy when writing politically-charged fiction.
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Jennifer S. Brown’s debut novel, Modern Girls, was a USA Today bestseller, a Massachusetts Book Award “Must Read,” and a 2016 Goodreads Choice semifinalist for Historical Fiction. Her writing has been published in Fiction Southeast, McSweeney’s, The Best Women’s Travel Writing, The Southeast Review, and the Bellevue Literary Review, among other places. She teaches writing, both in-person in the Boston area and online through the Loft Literary Center. She holds a BFA in film and television from NYU and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Washington. The Whisper Sister is her second novel.
Randy Susan Meyers is the internationally bestselling author of six novels and a three-time Massachusetts Book Award finalist and “Must Read” awardee. Though her books explore domestic drama, societal issues, and cultural nuances—informed by her years working with community and governmental agencies—she gained the most insight into family and politics during four years bartending in a small Boston neighborhood pub. A Brooklyn-Boston mix, she believes happiness requires family, friends, books, and an occasional NY bagel. Meyers lives in Boston with her husband where she teaches writing seminars at Boston’s GrubStreet Writers’ Center.
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