Special Free First-Pages Webinar September 23
And a chance to "Use Your Words" for the upcoming election
After wrapping up our summer interviews, we’re hosting a special free webinar with Writers for Blue on September 23 in support of our first female president, Kamala Harris. Writers will have a chance to be one of seven chosen to have a first page of prose (any subject) workshopped live by four writers, including myself, Nancy Johnson, Aaron Hamburger, and Pulitzer-Prize winner Jayne Anne Phillips. The event includes talks by Gish Jen, Charles Coe, Rishi Reddi, Daphne Kalotay and more about how writers might "Use Their Words" in the upcoming election season and beyond. Learn about how to make your first pages sing, be a part of electing a 47th president we can be proud of, and join a community of writers for a good cause. This effort is supported by the incredible folks at The Mighty Blaze and Writers for Democratic Action.
More information at writersforblue.com/use-your-words/