Today, we talk about the trials and tribulations of writing from real life: Can I write a memoir if I don’t have concrete memories? Am I trying to stay too close to my original experience in turning that experience into a novel? And when does writing fiction based on real life become exploitive of others? Some tough questions, but we’ve got writers Anjali Mitter Duva, Alex Ferraro, and Ethan Gilsdorf to help us out.
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Anjali Mitter Duva is the author of the historical novel Faint Promise of Rain and the co-founder of Galiot Press, a new publishing company ushering in a sea change for the written word.
Alex Ferraro is a graduate of the Novel Incubator and is working on his novel, a twisty Texas noir called Like Thunder in the Next County.
Ethan Gilsdorf is an essayist, critic, journalist, the author of the memoir Fantasy Freaks and Gaming Geeks and teaches GrubStreet’s Essay Incubator program.
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash
Writing From Real Life with Anjali Mitter Duva, Alex Ferraro, and Ethan Gilsdorf