Wonderful discussion of feedback. I think it's important to learn how to be a discerning receiver (and giver) of feedback. I'm careful who I ask for feedback. I look for "book group" feedback from a small group of literate friends, but also seek out "professional" feedback from writers, which tends to be of a more technical nature. And then I look for recurring themes. In my case I kept getting feedback that my antagonist wasn't working. If everyone is telling you the same thing, believe them.

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Sounds like great practice, Stephen!

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Excited about Daphne Kalotay's new book in April, and really wish I could find a class with Margot Livesay (like the rest of the writing world I imagine), whose comment about setting and murky details in the beginning really resonated and I think really has helped me approach a current problem (if only for the lovely company!). This was great. Now I have to catch up on more.

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Great! Yes, her new book is WONDERFUL, and Margot is a star teacher. So glad you found this helpful!

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