The 7am Novelist
The 7am Novelist
Emma Copley Eisenberg on the Higher Truths of Dialogue

Emma Copley Eisenberg on the Higher Truths of Dialogue

Eisenberg's HOUSEMATES releases May 2024

Today we get to hear from Emma Copley Eisenberg whose debut novel, HOUSEMATES, was released in May 2024. Emma and I will be talking about the ways in which dialogue allows the writer to convey higher truths.

Watch a recording of our live webinar here. The audio/video version is available for one week. Missed it? Check out the podcast version above or on your favorite podcast platform.

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Emma Copley Eisenberg is the author of The Third Rainbow Girl: The Long Life of a Double Murder in Appalachia, a hybrid work that mixes memoir, cultural criticism, and reporting. It was named a New York Times Notable Book and Editor’s Choice of 2020 and was nominated for an Edgar Award, a Lambda Literary Award, and an Anthony Bouchercon Award, among other honors. Eisenberg is currently a Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Wesleyan University, and has taught creative writing at Bryn Mawr College, Temple University, and the University of Virginia, where she received her MFA in fiction and was a Henry Hoyns/Poe Faulkner fellow. Raised in New York City, she lives in Philadelphia, where she co-founded Blue Stoop, a community hub for the literary arts. Her debut novel, Housemates, was published by Hogarth on May 28, 2024.

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The 7am Novelist
The 7am Novelist
Join award-winning novelist and writing coach Michelle Hoover and special guests for your morning writing wake up call, starting with a 50-day writing challenge.