I still aspire to make it to the live-cast sometime (I still have 30+0 carpe diem opportunities left!), but I've been mostly listening while doing evening meal prep. I whistle along with the intro, then get lost in the discussion. Never has meal prep been so compelling a part of my day until this daily challenge. Thank you for making it so accessible (and shame free for the late to rise)!

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Excellent! (And I love the whistling!)

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I listen to the podcast while walking on my neighborhood bike path. It's a 40 minute loop so the show fits perfectly. It helps clear my mind after work and I get super inspired with the combination of the great panelists, the fall foliage, and seeing our neighborhood folks out and about living their lives.

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I love the mind clearing, the foliage, real lives. Excellent!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

Thanks for asking. I listen to your podcast daily while walking my dog. Earlier this week I clicked on the zoom link just to see what you look like. :-)

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Ha! That's so funny. Remember it is my early hours self!

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You are a beautiful woman. And clever, too.

Greetings from the Swiss mountains

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I'm often up and out of the house when the conversations are live, so I listen to the webinar recording usually over second breakfast. I am currently catching up from a few missed days last week and it's a lovely wealth of insights!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I'm there with you in the morning! I listen right before I leave for work and make voice notations in the car of all the things I want to work on when I sit down to write in the evening. The whole concept of the 7am Novelist is so generous, it's impossible NOT to write.

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That's excellent!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I haven't missed a day! Usually I wake before 7, quickly walk the dogs, and jump back in bed to watch the action. I can't imagine a better morning. My only problem: I now have a huge pile of books to read, and we have weeks to go.

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I listen to the podcast while I do my personal (no dog, no partner) just for me walk. I needed a reason to start this personal walk again and the podcast is perfect. I have well less that 50 now chance to make time for myself and my writing. It is a perfect fit and I love the theme music too.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

Variety is spicy? I listen to the Live Webinar when I can manage it, and the rest of the time either the Podcast or the replay. I seem to have lost access to the 24-hour Zoom replays, not getting the post-Webinar links to them, just the Podcast. Which is fine, but sometimes if I'm at my desk on the same day, I like to see as well as hear. Have I missed something?

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Hey! I post the links for the Zoom replays every day on the SubStack page about a half hour or so after the webinar ends. If you're subscribed to this SubStack page (different from registering for the webinars I'm afraid), you'll get notices in your email that I've posted them. I would check your spam folder if you're subscribed but not getting those notices. Or you can just check this page every day for new posts. Sorry for the trouble!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I haven't made it to the 7 am show yet, but I've watched the recordings every day, sometimes at breakfast, sometimes at lunch, and sometimes before I fall asleep at night. I prefer to watch rather than just listen; somehow, I listen more intently when I can see the speaker. So grateful to you, Michelle, and to all the writers you've invited, for generating these eloquent, relaxed, stimulating, helpful discussions. Such generosity! Thank you!

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Thank you!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

This series has become so important to my work. So glad I can replay later than 7 a.m., after coffee. I sit to listen and make notes Thank you Michelle!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

This series is so great. I have learned so much and it has been both inspiring and motivating. I am working on my first novel - which is incredibly daunting - but listening - and really focusing on this series has provided me with so many ideas. I try to join in with the live event - which is easier for me as I'm in London :) - but will also listen to the podcast if I miss it. Great for walking my dog. Thank you Michelle.

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I’ve been listening to it as a podcast at the end of the work day! Sometimes while walking by the river or commuting home. I’m still trying to write first thing on days when that’s possible (usually Fri-Sun), and stealing an hour or two when I can on quieter days midweek. It’s become the thing that helps me keep my writing at the front of my brain, and my fiction project is growing and flourishing in the warm glow of this community love. Thank you!!!!!!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

Getting up early for the zoom is much better for my mood than reading about politics or the economy etc... I watch and take notes but because I am better at listening, I play the podcast during my walk in the afternoon and then have time to process all the (amazing) info. Really enjoying this!

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I get in those political gloom reading habits too. Nice to be the alternative! Thank you!

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I have caught the Zooo recording everyday so far. (Usually the next day, as 7AM CT is 8PM KST!) I watch the recording and then spend 30-60 minutes writing. But I've had several I've wanted to hear more than once, so I Spotify those too!

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I've been using the 7 am zoom as a wake up call. It preps me for an early writing session. I started the series on the 15 day mark and POV week really cemented that I'm on the right path. In the evening I catch up to the previous editions.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I watch the day’s Zoom while making and eating my lunch. If I miss it, I play the podcast at a later date.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

Love watching it! (And being a part of it the first week.) Love the entire series. Your audience will be bereft when it ends, so I guess you need to find a way to keep going! Thanks, Michelle!

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Yes, I will! I'll be doing something.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I am in Gig Harbor WA so don't catch it live but try to make it first thing with a cup of Peet's French Roast by my terminal. Then I write...great series. Thanks for putting it together.

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Trying hard to watch at 7; when I fail (like today) I watch a bit later, often when I'm getting ready to work. Walking the dog is an interesting option, might try that. In any case, thank you for doing this, it is causing me to go back and re-polish my ms. Just when I thought I was done... :-)

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Ah! That always happens, but it will be better in the end!

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I fell woefully behind early on, so I've started to play catch up in the late afternoons. I take notes on each day, and I've always found something of value. The idea of setting a timer to "stay in your chair" is a wonderfully simple tool. I'm still about a week behind, but the podcasts are well worth the time.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I listen to the podcast while I'm getting ready in the morning. Before that, I've worked out and eaten breakfast! So, I'm ready to go after listening.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

Listening in a mix of formats, a few times live, sometimes on podcast (Apple), sometimes zoom replay.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I aim for the 7 am deadline ("live"), but don't always make it!! So then I listen to podcast while walking to work, or try to watch it later in the day, if I drive... I've been aspiring to becoming a morning person forever, and this is helping me move in that direction! It's such a wonderful way to wake up, thank you!!

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I'm always awake by 7:00 AM but often have things to do so I listen a few hours later with my laptop open to take notes. There are always some gems to write down.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by Michelle Hoover

I can’t make the 7am wake up call, but I’m listening in the evening while I cook dinner.

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I click on the link in the email that substack sends me. Loving the podcast. Such great guests and Michelle sounds like a neighbor I would just love to have. Smart and curious but unpretentious.

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That's so sweet. Thank you!

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