EB Moore discusses the first pages of her latest novel, Loose in the Bright Fantastic, how she got Maggie’s voice right with some help from direct interior monologue, and how she sparks our empathy with a character in crisis by playing with time and point of view.
Moore’s first pages can be found here.
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E. B. Moore is a metal sculptor turned poet. She published a chapbook, New Eden, A Legacy, then thanks to Grub Street’s Novel Incubator, switched to writing novels. Her first two books: An Unseemly Wife and Stones in the Road, one of Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2015, are dark stories based on her family's Amish roots in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Moore, the mother of three, has received fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, and The Vermont Studio Center. She lives with her partner in Scarborough, Maine.
Passages: EB Moore on Loose in the Bright Fantastic