The 7am Novelist
The 7am Novelist
Listener Roundup: Narrative Distance, Borrowing from Archetypes, & Dealing with Crisis

Listener Roundup: Narrative Distance, Borrowing from Archetypes, & Dealing with Crisis

with Carol Folbre, Liesl Swogger, & Christine Murphy

Today, we hear from listeners Carol Folbre, Liesl Swogger, and Christine Murphy for a special bonus episode I’m calling our “Listener Roundup.” This is where we get to hear from some of our listeners about they’ve learned from the past few episodes, what ideas they consider the most important, what questions or confusions they have, and their own advice and/or experience in dealing with the same issues in their writing. 

Watch a recording here. This audio/video version is available for one week. Missed it? Check out the podcast version above or on your favorite podcast platform.

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Dr. Carol Folbre is the author of the nonfiction mixed-media book WISHBONE: AN AMERICAN ODYSSEY IN ASIA by Trinity University Press that launches August 13th, 2024.

Liesl Swogger has the finish line in sight(ish) of a rewrite of her novel, A SINGLE SEASON. Think, Billy Elliot set in Houston, TX.

Christine Murphy is the author of the forthcoming literary thriller, NOTES ON SURVIVING THE FIRE, from Knopf (February 2025). She spends her non-writing time writing and playing with pets. 

Photo by Jonathan Beckman on Unsplash

The 7am Novelist
The 7am Novelist
Join award-winning novelist and writing coach Michelle Hoover and special guests for your morning writing wake up call, starting with a 50-day writing challenge.